Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Time Flies!

Today marks eight weeks since my operation. That certainly passed quicker than I expected!

I tried laying on the floor on my stomach today and it still felt a little bit swollen - distinctly different from the speedbump-like feeling of Lumpy, but not quite normal yet. It's also still uncomfortable to lean against a counter. However, I don't notice any restriction in movement during my daily routine and I was able to pick up my three-year-old niece today with no problems. (Well, she made me realize that I could stand to lift some weights, but that has nothing to do with my stomach!)

Yesterday I started back to work full time. I didn't notice any excess tiredness yesterday, but boy was I ready for a nap this afternoon! Right around 2:30 or so I could have laid my head on my desk and been out like a light...which makes me wonder why I'm sitting here typing instead of going to bed.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Getting Back to Normal

What a momentous day - the inevitable return to work. I felt surprisingly nervous this morning, almost like my first day at a new high school all over again! I thought that the day would fly by and that it wouldn't tire me out. In fact, only half of that came true. I was ready for a nap after I'd been there for only an hour! Apparently chit-chatting and remembering passwords cause fatigue. I knew that the day would fly by since this week I'm only working half-days.

I enjoyed seeing my co-workers, but simultaneously I was wishing to be at home scrapbooking and watching Desperate Housewives. I almost felt like an outsider at first and sort of had to ease my way into the group again. I don't think anyone else felt that way and by the end of the day it had dissipated, thank goodness. Going back to work also made me feel less like a patient in recuperation and more like my usual self.

The best part of the day: I wore my regular work clothes and everyone noticed!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Insomnia Then vs. Insomnia Now

As I have learned in the last few months, insomnia can strike at any time for a number of reasons. Here are a few:

Before my surgery, I had a hard time falling asleep most nights due to worry about what was going on inside me, whether I would wake up from general anesthesia, and how much it would hurt after the operation. (I know, why worry about the third one if I was worried about the second one? And yes, that question kept me awake some nights too!) So I would lay down in bed and then get up and pace and finally be so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Recuperation from major surgery
After the operation, once I started feeling less tired in general, I discovered that no matter how tired I felt I was wide awake once I turned the light off. Maybe sleeping in a seated position on the sofa contributed to that, I don't know, but the solution seemed to be mindlessly jumping from website to website until 2:00 a.m. and then sleeping until 10. I'm assuming that was just my body adjusting itself since my sleep patterns slowly returned to normal.

Completely Random?
And then there's last night. I stayed awake a little while longer than Jon and finally felt tired. So I went to bed and all of a sudden there were tons of "urgent thoughts" racing around my mind. After about 45 minutes I drifted off only to wake up again at 2:40. Uggh! The internet didn't seem to do the trick and around 4:45 I talked to myself sternly and sent myself to bed. Now brace yourself for this shocker: 100% ineffective! Anyway, after another half-hour (or hour?) of tossing and turning I finally fell asleep again, but 8:30 was my final wake-up time. What an annoying night! And why did it happen? I mean, really, what are the chances that a 32-ounce Coke and a 20-ounce Starbucks, both after 3:00, could have had anything to do with my restless night?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More Happy Happenings

Aaaah, a nice warm bubble bath - what a way to start my day! I slept in until close to 9:00 this morning and hopped right in the tub filled with Sweet Pea bubble bath from Bath and Bodyworks. I loved it! This was the first time I was able to take a bath since my operation.

Of course after that came the thrill of doing laundry all by myself. Seriously. It's awesome to be able to retrieve clothing from the dryer at will rather than bugging Jon to do it for me!

I'm still getting better every day, so I think that by the time I go back to work I'll be in pretty good shape. Oh, one great thing is that I was able to wear my own jeans today! They were still a bit tight, but I could breathe and sit in them. Hopefully the swelling will continue to go down until my pants fit correctly again.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Day of Good News

Wow, four weeks already!

The doctor told me that everything looks good and that the official pathology report agrees with the preliminary diagnosis of Begnign Mucinous Cystadenoma. Yay!

I still have a little bit of pain but he wasn't worried about it. He said that I should take it easy for a little while longer, so I'll go back to work on the 9th of November, but only for half-days, then start back with a regular schedule on the 16th.

He actually told me that everything looks so good that he doesn't need to see me again unless something unexpected happens or the pain doesn't dissipate as he's expecting it to. I guess this means that Jon's duty of waiting on me hand and foot is finished...darn, back to laundry duty soon.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sleepy Head, Sleepy Head

I feel so lazy these days...I've been napping in the mornings after Jonathan leaves for work, so today I decided to not do that. Big mistake! Taking a shower and going for a walk wiped me out! Since then I've been sitting on the sofa mostly just watching TV. I've been staring at the laptop but not actually doing anything with it. I guess the moral of the story is to keep taking it easy and sleep while I have the chance.

Jon is ready to take me to dinner and I'm ready to go to bed for the night...okay, since it's not even 5:00 yet he wins, but I have a feeling it's going to be a pretty early night for me.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Good, the Bad, and the....Ugly??

On the bright side, I drove for the first time today! I felt a little bit awkward after more than a fortnight of being a passenger. Jon talked me into it by saying that he should be with me the first time in case I had any problems, but that if all went well then I could drive myself to the boardwalk and enjoy the beautiful days. He's so smart!

On the dark side, my healthy eating habits I've been honing disappeared when I gave into my craving for a Big Mac and french fries. And now I'm sitting here with a stack of Oreos and a glass of cold milk. Well, we went shopping today, so I should be set for another week of wholesome nutrition.

And as for the ugly part of the day...it's official - I have a scar! Jonathan removed the SteriStrips for me this evening, so I decided I can't call it an incision any longer. A couple of them hurt as he ripped them off, but most of them felt really good. Like when there's an itch you just haven't quite been able to reach and you finally get it in just the right spot. Anyway, when he was done he looked the scar over and said, very enthusiastically, "It looks good!" I haven't seen it yet because the camera wasn't handy, but it certainly wasn't nice looking the last time I saw it.